Hopelijk kleden ze in november het KC aan met hoge bomen, een meer en veel sneeuw én doen ze de temperatuur zakken tot ergens rond de -15°C. Dat is niet enkel in deze video, maar over het algemeen de setting waarin ik Wardruna héél graag eens zou beleven: ruw, authentiek en héél dicht bij de natuur. De hartslag in Hertan vormt - vanzelfsprekend -de onderbouw doorheen hun nieuwe song. Naar goede gewoonte neemt Lindy-Fay Hella de lead bij de chants voor haar rekening. Nooit gedacht dat ik zou kunnen blijven genieten van deze muziek, maar dankzij Einar Selvik lukt me dat wonderwel.
Ter Info
Amidst Wardruna´s song-writing hibernation, the group resurfaces to offer a taste of their next album with the single release and music video for the song Hertan. The song is available on all digital streaming platforms now.
Einar Selvik comments on the new song: ““Hertan” is the proto-Scandinavian word for “heart” and that is exactly what we explore in this song and film. The duality of the heart with the rhythm, flow and pulse we can see, hear, and feel in nature and in all forms of life – and the more abstract idea of the heart, The rudder on the ship of emotions, our decisions, and our true desires.”
Once again, Wardruna teamed up with Finnish director and photographer Tuukka Koski for the video production of Hertan. Koski has previously directed Wardruna´s videos for Raido, Voluspá, and Grá. This time, the production mainly took place during some freezing nights in northern Finland at the island of Hailouto.
Einar about the video shooting process: “It is always a true pleasure to create art with Tuukka and his colleagues at Breakfast Helsinki! His experience and eye for detail as well as the ability to always conjure up next-level material, is very inspiring to be part of. Three days, three locations, no sleep but a lot of heart. This is how it went down. Hope you will enjoy the result!”