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Sounds | Vostok Train - Ya Only Love Me When You're Drunk ...

John Van de Mergel

... And Damn You Hardly Ever Drink! Ha, kwestie van het even duidelijk te maken. Terwijl ik toch in Griekeland vertoef - wat muziek betreft - stel ik jullie graag voor aan deze band uit Athene. Wat een lekker stukske Texas Blues zeg, alsof ze recht uit Austin geïmporteerd zijn. Schitterende drive, vet gitaarwerk en ook hier mocht wat mij betreft de zang wat 'voller'. Details hé, het plaatje klopt verder helemaal.


Ride the groove train to Vostok to see through our kaleidoscope the glorious 70’s rock diverse reflections re-invented. If you ‘re asking for more than mundane repetition and stereotypes, our music is for you. If you dress like ordinary people but you let your wild urges take charge, you are one of us. High energy funk drums and rapidly ever-moving bass lines lay the rails for rampant guitars and explosive vocals.

Our music is a call for action to take matters in our own hands (change is inevitable; the direction of it is always at stake) and maybe a great opportunity for you all to have some cringe moments of fun with your boomer relatives.

Vostok Train is a power trio based in Athens, Greece. The band started in the winter of 2021, having its’ first single Ya Only Love Me When You’re Drunk – And Damn You Hardly Ever Drink! released on February of 2023, as part of their self-titled upcoming EP release, expected to hit the road on Autumn of 2023. All Vostok Train tracks are recorded in the Shelter Music collective ex-garage studio, with the kind assistance of our gals and pals or whoever has the passion to help. Sign up to the mailing list for exclusive updates.

Ride the Train!

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