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Sounds | Tyler Ramsey - These Ghosts

John Van de Mergel

Die fluweelzachte, Alan Parsons-like stem zou je nooit aan de man toedichten wanneer je hem ziet. En toch. Reeds in 2019 was ik enerzijds wat verward en anderzijds wel gecharmeerd door Ramsey's album For The Morning. Muzikaal blijft het vlotte americana, op de grens van indie rock/folk, die je zo bij diverse radiostantions kan pluggen.

Ik zag hem trouwens in het AB Salon op 23 mei 2019.

New Lost Ages verschijnt op 9 februari 2024 via Soundly Music.

Luister ook naar: A Flair (for Neal Casal)


'These Ghosts’ - the lead single from his forthcoming album New Lost Ages, out on February 9 via Soundly Music - made its UK radio debut (...) on BBC Radio 6 Music, with a first play from Chris Hawkins, who called the track a “really standout piece of work.”

“This song is for anyone who has left a bad situation behind them only to look down and realize they are still carrying it with them somehow.  Letting go - even letting go of something that’s no good - can take time” says Ramsey. “The pain in your head is just the smoke from a fire that burned out a long time ago.” 

New Lost Ages was recorded at the legendary Avast! Recording Co. in Seattle, Washington, by storied producer Phil Ek (Fleet Foxes, Father John Misty, The Shins, Built to Spill). The 10-song LP, described by UNCUT as “a compellingly human pulse,” is an ongoing sonic quest — meticulously wandering across the musical landscape, this undulating tone of indie, rock and folk stylings.

At the core of any great singer-songwriter lies this inherent trait of stage presence, one where an entire room, no matter the size, is pulled in by this lyrical tractor beam — all eyes, emotions and energies aimed in one direction at a single voice. For Tyler Ramsey, it’s being able to honestly connect with the listener.

Albeit a genuinely humble soul, don’t let Ramsey fool you. When it comes to the modern-day singer-songwriter, he remains a bastion of musical talent and lyrical aptitude — a melodic voice-of-reason and safe haven amid a 21st century world seemingly gone mad. The former lead guitarist of Band of Horses, Ramsey has also released four acclaimed solo albums, including “For The Morning” in 2019.

Ramsey’s latest album “New Lost Ages” (out Feb. 9) was captured at the legendary Avast! Recording Co. in Seattle, Washington, by storied producer Phil Ek (Fleet Foxes, Father John Misty, The Shins, Built to Spill). The 10-song LP is an ongoing sonic quest — meticulously wandering across the musical landscape, this undulating tone of indie, rock and folk stylings.

The new album is about peeling back the layers of oneself, to locate and open up the dusty boxes of your past from the back of the closet of your mind. It’s memories and mistakes, lessons and lifelines bringing the present moment into focus — the future bright with possibility and purpose, so long as you never forget the road to the here and now.

Alongside bassist Morgan Henderson (Fleet Foxes) and drummer Sean Lane (Ann Wilson), Ramsey found himself fronting a full-on rock outfit in the studio, a scenario that conjured fresh inspiration and straightforward determination within the recording process — something genuinely heard and felt in the hauntingly poignant number “These Ghosts.”

Pushing further and farther down the rabbit hole of “New Lost Ages,” the melodies are aimed at sincere connectivity through honesty and vulnerability — symbiotic realms that nurture the genuine splendour and lore of Ramsey’s recordings and stoic stage presence in a live setting.

If anything, everything Ramsey has absorbed in his travels — onstage and on the road — is continually channelled through the unique lens of his words, unique tunings and guitar chords. It’s a whirlwind of sound and scope, all radiating from one human being with guitar in-hand, a silent room of curious souls awaiting the next number of beauty and grace conjured by Ramsey with such ease. 

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