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Sounds | Tropic Gold - THE ANGELS ARE GONE

Jessica Santiago Lopez

Het uit de UK afkomstige Tropic Gold heeft een week geleden hun nieuwe ep SICK TO DEATH OF EVERYTHING uitgebracht via UNFD. Na eerdere de video voor Holy Horror te hebben gedeeld heeft de alternatieve metalband ook een video voor de heavy en catchy track THE ANGELS ARE GONE online gezet. De video check je hierboven!


Regarding the deeply personal EP, Tropic Gold siphoned every bit of emotion the members have experienced in recent times and parlayed it into these songs, saying, "SICK TO DEATH OF EVERYTHING had everything poured into it over some really difficult times — the name sums up what was, and has been, going through our heads. It's our most honest and vulnerable body of work, and hope that people hear it and connect so they understand they aren't alone with day to day instability of mental health, life uncertainty, and self-loathing."

Tropic Gold offer up a thoroughly modern and moody meld of alternative, metal, pop, and electronica, cajoling their passions for a dynamic culture pool of music and production styles into a single sonic petri dish. Though originally formed in 2019, the quartet have spent years in the lab, developing their sound and strong aesthetics behind the closed doors of a bespoke, self-built multi-media studio.

The Tropic Gold method is truly hands on, with guitarist Joshua Lee handling all production and recording duties, as well as diving into the weeds on their visual curation, manning the camera and edit suite as often as the production chair. "SICK TO DEATH OF EVERYTHING" follows their 2023-released "What A Wonderful Experience" EP via UNFD.

tl;dr: Tropic Gold are as gloomy as they are catchy.  Sharing a sonic space with the likes of the aforementioned BMTH and Broco, PVRIS, (latter day) Architects, Caskets, Spiritbox's plaintive moments and even Enter Shikari (albeit on Valium), Tropic Gold are just getting started in figuring out how to weaponise their cocktail of slap and swag.

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