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Sounds | This Can Hurt, World Apart (Album)

Sven Togni

Vorig jaar kwam This Can Hurt met hun tweede album op de proppen. Een album dat mogelijk door velen over het hoofd gezien werd omdat het in eigen beheer uitgebracht werd. Maar nu krijgt het album een tweede kans. Het werd geremastered door niemand minder dan Greg Brooker en uitgebracht door Glasstone Records. Met distributie in de handen van PIAS kunnen we enkel maar hopen dat dit mooie album de aandacht krijgt die het verdient. Muzikaal zweeft het album ergens tussen rock en gothic. Ze vullen misschien wel ergens het gat dat ontstaan is nadat Type O Negative's zanger en bassist Peter Steele stierf 10 jaar geleden.

Releasedatum: 8 mei 2020



This Can Hurt was founded by the end of 2014 by JP De Brabander and Jack Noise. It was clear from the beginning on that these two gentlemen teaming up would prove to be a recipe for success.  The combination of their musical excesses was nothing short of a chemical reaction and instantly they both knew they had stumbled upon something rare and worth caring for.

In 2015, a first EP called ‘Some Days’ saw the light of day.  The single “Colder” quickly found its way into the playlist of several international radio-stations and earned the title “Highlight of the Year” in Italy.

Following a year of intense songwriting, the debut album “Nothing Matters” hit the shelves in March 2017.  Several reviewers praised the band for having an international standard, throwing in references to the likes of Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Triggerfinger, Deftones, Massive Attack,…  The single “Mindblower” made it to the Dutch top 20 and managed to stay there for several weeks.

Following the success of “Nothing Matters”, the band (to that time still a duo) decided to recruit some new members to promote the album live.  By mid-2017 Sven VDN was thrown behind the microphone and Dirk DK was charged with handling the duties on bass.

Having “Mindblower” in the top 20 opened the doors to quite some festivals, which made 2018 an extremely busy year… Although playing a lot of shows didn’t keep the band from writing a new album inbetween.

January 2019, This Can Hurt started recording the songs for what would become the successor to ‘Nothing Matters’. By the end of April 12 songs were selected, recorded, mixed and mastered.  The new album ‘Worlds Apart’ was set for release. 

Unfortunately, due to personal matters, Dirk DK decided to leave the band by the beginning of May, which left the band no other choice than to search for a bassplayer able to join the band on stage in a very short matter of time.  And let’s be honest… Jo Van Malderghem turned out to be an excellent choice!

So, here we are… To be continued for sure!

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