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John Van de Mergel

Sounds | The Accidentals, Go Getter

Mijn favoriet folkpoptrio is nu reeds terug met nieuwe muziek. Net twee maand geleden schreef ik nog over hun ep Time Out (Session 1) en ging ervan uit dat er - logischerwijs - een (session 2) zou aankomen. Mis dus! Het wordt meteen een nieuw full album. De lead single is een vrolijke zomerse tune met een diepere boodschap én een grappige knipoog naar een geit (zie 'lees' voor de uitleg). Vessel verschijnt op 1 oktober via in eigen beheer.


"Go Getter" is about mental health packaged between pop melodies and a video about goats. We collectively lost friends to suicide in 2020 and it was a heavy couple of years, Go Getter began as a way to process the grief. Sometime songs are written in dark times but they evolve to take on different meanings. Go Getter became our mantra for life. There's a Tony Bennet quote in the chorus that I picked up watching the Amy Winehouse documentary. He say's "Life will teach you how to live, if you live it long enough". That stuck with me. The takeaway is the remainder for the chorus "pull it together, shake off the pressure". Maybe that can be the message here. Don't take life so seriously all the time. That's where the video comes in. It came from telling Sav to stop singing "Goat Getter" in the recording process. The idea was born. Michael wrote the treatment and we all watched the Goonies for homework. Brian Raetz and Brody Steele dropped everything last second to help us record it and they edited the video so well, we couldn't get through it without laughing - that's how you know it's done.

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