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Sounds | Stuck Out, Split In Two

Maui Vindevogel

Een bittersweet sounds bericht. Stuck Out is een groep die in 2015 het licht zag. Intussen hebben ze twee EP's uitgebracht. Nu kondigden ze echter aan ermee te stoppen. Maar niet zonder een laatste liedje uit te brengen! Een laatste cadeau voor de fans...

Split In Two is een puur nostalgisch liedje waarin de groep terugkijkt op de afgelopen 7 jaar. Samen met het liedje en de emotionele video stuurt Stuck Out het volgende bericht de wereld in:

"What a wild journey. This band has been a massive part of our lives, but the time has come for us to move onto new things. Thank you to everyone who has come to a show, streamed our songs, bought some merch, and mic grabbed 'Another'.

We’ll forever love and miss you all,

Josh, Ian, Lachy & Sheldon

R.I.P Stuck Out".


The young four piece have made their way around Australia multiple times over the past few years off the back of their 2018 Greyscale Records debut EP "You Won’t Come Home". They have supported acts such as As It Is, With Confidence, The Story So Far, and Senses Fail; enrapturing audiences with their blend of rock infused pop-punk that cuts through to a deeper layer of the human condition. The band can also now forever lay claim to playing the very first note ever played on a stage at the now staple of the Australian heavy music calendar, Good Things Festival. 2020 saw the band knuckle down to work on a follow up to their debut EP, and came out the other side with a very pointed EP titled "Lie Through Your Teeth". Now the band & Greyscale Records look to the future as they add Sharptone Records to the team to help them push from one of the most exciting bands in Australia, to one of the biggest in the world.

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