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Sounds | Stephen Wilson Jr. - Cuckoo

John Van de Mergel

Op nieuwe songs van deze topper zal het nog even wachten zijn, ook al heeft ie er onlangs eentje uitgebracht. Cuckoo stond op z'n debuutalbum en is een vrolijk plezante song. Nu heeft de man er een wat kierewiete video bij, dus kon ik het niet laten deze te posten.

"Sun goes up, sun goes down, we all wind up six feet in the ground." Yep, zo gaat het nu eenmaal, dus laat ons vooral het leven niet al te serieus nemen en ervan profiteren zolang we kunnen. Voorbeelden genoeg van hoe snel het 'south' kan gaan.

Ter Info

“'If one don't drive ya then the other one will…' running on cognitive American fumes at times,” shares Wilson Jr. "We're all afraid of something. This video is a fiery glance at the ones whom haven't given up but have given up on the game. These are not actors. A kaleidoscope of humans living and being. Unashamed of their shame. 'Cuckoo…'” 


“'Cuckoo' is the eighth video Stephen and I have made together,” shares director Tim Cofield. “While 'Holler from the Holler' was the most ambitious concept we've co-directed, 'Cuckoo' is a planet in its own solar system. All these ideas come from Stephen's brain. For example, the character driving backwards in the truck. Stephen actually knows a guy who has to drive to work backwards 'cause his truck only drives in reverse. My favorite thing about the 'Cuckoo' video is that all these characters you see are real people, not actors. There's also some easter eggs hidden in there for diehard fans (look for wolf heads and aliens).”

© Acacia Evans
© Acacia Evans

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