We hebben er lang op moeten wachten, maar met een naam als Sorry hadden we het misschien wel kunnen verwachten. Het Londonse duo heeft eindelijk de lang verwachte langspeler klaar. En Sorry is geen alledaagse boy-girl band, want Asha Lorenz en Louis O’Bryen doen ons bij momenten denken aan niemand minder dan The Kills. Ze mixen pop met post-punk en bieden ons een zeer gevarieerde plaat aan. Zo klinkt Heather eerder folky en is Ode to Boy hun versie van een lovesong. Vervelen doet het nooit, zelfs niet de nummers die al lange tijd de ronde doen, zoals hun eerste single Starstruck die ondertussen al bijna 18 maanden geleden gereleased werd.
Releasedatum: 27 maart 2020
Today, North London’s Sorry have announced their hotly-anticipated debut record, 925, due out March 27 via Domino. The band have revealed the album’s tracklist, below, which includes previous single “Right Round The Clock”.
They also shared a new single, “More”, accompanied by a typically feverish visual by Sorry figurehead Asha Lorenz and frequent collaborator Jasper Cable-Alexander.
Together with co-producer James Dring (Gorillaz, Jamie T, Nilüfer Yanya), best friends Lorenz and Louis O’Bryen have woven 925 like a dreamscape in which idyllic and hellish scenes intermingle, forcing the question of what is real and what is make believe. Inspired by everything from Hermann Hesse to Aphex Twin, their precocious approach—an open-mindedness towards genre, self-producing the music, and directing accompanying videos—marks them out as a thoroughly 21st century band. Joined by drummer Lincoln Barrett and Campbell Baum on bass, Sorry emerged from a thriving scene of bands in London, and though 925 is their debut album, it is by no means their first statement. It follows a series of sporadically-released mixtapes, used as a way to experiment with the disparate influences and sounds that give 925 its distinctively modern, apocalyptic feel. Where previous singles and mixtapes earned the band their status as one of the most vital and relentlessly creative new British bands of the moment, 925 is a record which will undoubtedly cement their status as true originals and cross-genre innovators in 2020 and beyond.

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