Save It For The Living is intussen al een dikke drie jaar uit, maar nu is er dus ook een akoestische versie. Het is het tweede liedje in de nieuwe 'serie' die de groep uitbrengt. In totaal bestaat dit project uit 3 akoestische liedjes; ook Let Me Be Your Superhero werd eerder al in een nieuw jasje gestoken. De akoestische versies maakt van Save It For The Living een nog emotionelere liedje dan het origineel en zanger Chris Adam Hedman Sörbye zijn stem komt er ongeloofelijk goed uit. Eerder dit jaar kwam Smash Into Pieces hun 5de studio album Arcadia uit.
"When me and Per had decided to finally go through with this project (to rewrite and reproduce some of our most beloved songs) I instantly knew I had to pick Save it for the living. The lyrics of the track tells a real story, a story that has happened and the message is so powerful that it is timeless. So remember this and the true meaning that comes along with the message.. I wish I could see you happy, get on with your life without me, think of me as something beautiful not the bitter end!” Aldus gitarist Benjamin Jennebo.
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With a massive track record of 4 released albums, 17 singles, over 100 million streams on
Spotify, with more than 50 million views on YouTube, Smash Into Pieces have evolved into one of the fastest rising Scandinavian alternative rock bands to this date. Smash Into Pieces made a big breakthrough in their home country of Sweden in 2015 with their second album release, “The Apocalypse DJ”. The following years lead the band to several world tours supporting bands such as Alter Bridge, Within Temptation, Halestorm, Amaranthe to name
a few. In 2017, the band released their third album, “Rise & Shine”. Their success continued and with international touring helped increase the bands worldwide fanbase. With the release of the bands fourth album, “EVOLVER”, in October 2018, Smash Into Pieces broke the 500,000 monthly listeners mark on Spotify and are now streaming close to 250,000 streams daily. In September 2019 Smash Into Pieces announced the first single and title track from the up-coming album ARCADIA and during the months to come the band created a sorts of mini-series consisting of music videos that together created a time-lined, ongoing story inside what has now become a digitally described world, a digital world, the ARCADIA WORLD! For each single that were released the band gave their audience a new piece of the puzzle showing them a new mini-story playing out inside the ARCADIA WORLD. Kicking off 2020 with a bang Smash Into Pieces released 4 singles, executed more than 30 live shows and announced that the band would appear as special guests” on Within Temptation and Evanescence WORLDS COLLIDE European Stadium & Arena tour.
With the new singles reaching new heights, (several chart / list placements and accumulating millions of streams and view across platforms) the time has come to give you the official release date of ARCADIA Album 28th August 2020.
(bron: Bespoke Media)