Geen meer boeiende manier om in de wereld van seriemoordenaars (en andere zieke geesten) te kruipen dan in de muziek, videoclips, teksten en daarbijhorende case file te duiken van het industrial gothic duo Skynd. Héél straf hoe het duo er telkens weer in slaagt de meest beklijvende/beklemmende video's te maken. Ik zit regelmatig op het randje van m'n (bureau)stoel. Luister ook naar: Columbine Katherine Knight
“I want to get as close as possible to the evil that humans are capable of. I am obsessed with it. For weeks, months even, I’ve been trying to get into the heads of the most vicious, cruel killers. There is nothing more fascinating to me than people who have reached the boundary of their humanity.”
Industrial duo Skynd – whose often creepy and terrifying music is inspired by true crime and serial killers – have shared their latest dark single and video, Michelle Carter.
Vocalist Skynd explains of the inspiration behind their newest effort and how it was all pieced together: “This is unlike any of the other cases I have focused on. Crime has changed since the advent of smartphones. This is a very modern true crime case, the fact that there is a written record of everything that they wrote each other… This really helped me in the research phase, as I was able to use their actual words, because they were available to me.
“The quote, ‘Sometimes things happen and we never have the answer why’ – this really stuck with me, because I still don’t understand, and I’m not sure that anyone definitively does.”
Skynd adds of the accompanying music video, “The thought was to take this different kind of song, and make a different kind of video. It made sense to make this our first lyric video since this lends well to the case, due to the text messages as the focus. But we couldn’t simply make a lyric video, we had to do something special. We decided to go with light based on how Michelle Carter portrayed herself in court, relying on innocence and florals. White seems innocent, but if you have one bloodstain on a white surface, you can’t hide it.”
(bron: Kerrang)