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Sounds | Skynd - Edmund Kemper

John Van de Mergel

Met de geplande najaarsconcerten in het vooruitzicht werd het inderdaad hoogtijd voor een nieuwe 'case file'. Op die file zelf zullen we nog even moeten wachten, de song en de bijhorende video zijn er alvast. Typisch in hun onnavolgbare stijl laten ze een blend van industrial, rock en pop horen. Vrij laidback voor het duo trouwens, al is de video terug creepy as hell.


Explaining the new single and this particular case, SKYND explains: “There is a detail to this story that stuck with me and sparked my creativity to write about Edmund Kemper. As a young boy Edmund liked to play with Barbie dolls and dolls. He ‘took’ their heads off and that made a sound like a ‘pop’, performing funeral rites. While translating true crime cases into music I have a visual idea of the song, and the dolls had to be in the video. It was important to me to show the beheading of the doll because it illustrates his crimes, without being too gratuitous.”

“I had the great honour to translate Skynd’s new song into a visual world,” continues director Anique Wild. “A hardly believable story of a brutal monster who could not appear more normal in the outside world. The video is meant to convey the values of this song in an artistic, visual way. Find the story behind the story – try to look behind the curtain.”

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