Een beklemmende soundscape die lijkt te horen bij een kunstzinnig project over beangstigende dromen ... of zoiets.
Sally Decker is een componiste, schrijfster en 'performer' uit Oakland, Ca. Samen met Emily Chao maakte ze de bijhorende video, samengevat: "Rephotographed landscapes emerge from the shadows in a confrontation of self.” Voor meer toelichting verwijs ik graag naar 'lees' hieronder.
In The Tender Dream verschijnt op 13 augustus via NNA Tapes
“This song came at the brink of a new understanding around acceptance,” says Decker. “Understanding that doesn’t necessarily take place in felt experience, but at least in the glimmers of seeing an alternate reality you want to move toward. The first impulse that brought this track out of me was wanting to express the visceral pain of longing, the wound of self-abandonment, feeling the core of yourself just totally not there. The power the voice finds is through honest confrontation with the reality of what has been neglected in the shadow, what has not been fully grieved. Wishing for change, hoping for another reality (past or present) that isn’t aligned with the reality that occurred or is occurring, is a sure way to be stuck in that place of longing and helplessness. Acceptance will ultimately set you free. The voice in the song starts to understand this, and accumulates power through orienting toward this possibility.”
Sally Decker has been learning to let go. When working on the pieces that make up her new album In The Tender Dream—her first under her own name—she worked heavily with feedback, a tool that helped her learn it was okay to not be in control. By their nature, feedback systems are unwieldy and unpredictable, but over time, she came to see resonance and meaning in the wavering static and unruly drones. Learning to work with these systems became a metaphor for the way she was learning to move through the world. She was beginning to understand how to embrace change, to find stability in a turbulent internal landscape.