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Sounds | Ronker - Shame

John Van de Mergel

In alle eerlijkheid, ik schrok me een hoedje! De naam Ronker is me niet onbekend, maar ik kon er eigenlijk niets op plakken. Even in de archieven graven en YEP, collega Frederic Zwartjes ontfermde zich zes maand geleden over hun ronduit fantastische debuutsingle/video Goliath. Zo lyrisch aangelegd als mijn collega ben ik niet, dus hou ik het een stuk korter: wat een moddervette oplawaai is me dit zeg: TC Matic meets NIN, beide in de jonge, complexloze versie. Straffen toebak, zowel auditief als visueel. Benieuwd naar de ep die er ergens begin 2023 aankomt via Labelman.

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Life sucks in 2022, almost as hard as Ronker hits you in the teeth. Ronker's heaviness lies in simplicity. With one leg deeply rooted in the abrasive guitars of the nineties and the other entwined in the reverberation of the eighties, Ronker deliberately balances on the edge of extremes. Blackened Post-Punkgaze for Nine Inch Nails fans, or indie metal? Who's to say!

'Shame’ is a visceral track that bridges the gap between post-punk urgency and 90’s alt-metal angst mentioned above. Recorded by Thomas Valkiers at Hightime studio and mixed by Tim De Gieter of Amenra-fame, the track oozes both punky DIY antics and fierce in-your-face sonics.

The self-directed video is the second part of a quadrilogy accompying their debut-EP coming early 2023, telling a story of coming to grips with the wish to die. For this release the band signed to LABELMAN, aswel as signing with touring powerhouse Toutpartout (DIIV, Brutus, etc.)

In the video bass-player Bram Delcourt and singer Jasper De Petter are caught in a manhunt, both pulling the same rope. With the rugged, industrial landscape of Aalst as a backdrop, the video puts an emphasize on the songs bleak message and violent performance.

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