Roger O'Donnell, zegt de naam u vaag iets maar kan je hem niet direct thuisbrengen? Iedereen kent Robert Smith en Simon Gallup, maar de naam van de toetsenist van The Cure, die heeft u allicht vaag wel eens horen vallen. Wel Roger is nu terug met een nieuw soloalbum dat de naam 2 Ravens zal krijgen en in april beschikbaar zal zijn. 4 jaar is Roger bezig geweest deze plaat.
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“Beginning as an instrumental record, side one features two cellos and side two a string quartet, when Roger was introduced to Jennifer (Pague) and sent it to her for input. She then sent back 90 seconds of vocals on one track and he was blown away by her interpretation. The piano plays a supporting role rather than taking the lead, the instruments make frames for the paintings that are Jen’s vocals and the instrumentals tell stories that words simply can’t. Recorded over five days at Air Edel studios in London, the likes of Alisa Liubarskaya, Miriam Wakeling, Aled Jones, Nadine Nagen and Daniel Gea all contributed to ‘2 Ravens’, which is said to be heavily influenced “by [O’Donnell’s] life in rural England”