Dat hun debuutalbum, Between Me and the Machine, zou uitkomen op 26 november, was jammer genoeg niet volledig bij ons doorgedrongen. Gelukkig kunnen we in deze moderne tijden terecht op platformen als Spotify en YouTube om te checken wat we gemist hebben. En ik zou u willen aanraden om hetzelfde te doen want wat deze Fransozen gepresteerd hebben op dat album is best wel de moeite waard. Een puike mix van emo, metalcore en hardcore.
Neemt u gerust de video van de track Forever Yours als voorsmaakje, dan weet u dat wij niet overdrijven.
"The closing track on our debut album is one that is very important to us, mostly because of its lyrical content. We wanted to end Between Me and The Machine on a more positive, self-accepting note. Anthony sings about his relationship with music, how it completely consumes him while also being his biggest strength. Definitely one of his best vocal performance on the album, and the music is our take on a Gojira-meets-EDM mashup. If that doesn’t pique your curiosity, I don’t know what will."- Robin Mariat (bass)
Starting their journey back in 2016 after their previous projects parted ways and their intentions set on this being their forever band, vocalist Anthony Diliberto, bassist Robin Mariat and drummer Nathan Mariat have spent the last half a decade tinkering with the formula that feels the most suited to them. Making their first mark in 2017 with debut EP »Reverie« before following with standalone single ‘Carmela’ in 2018, it wasn’t until 2019 that they felt truly at home in their sound.
That was in the form of ‘Pendulum’, a collection of three songs that not only represented the beautifully bludgeoning and densely expansive sound that was resting in the back of their heads but that also found them appearing on Spotify’s New Core, New Metal Tracks and Kickass Metal playlists.