Zijn meer donkere, persoonlijke kant laat Tool (en A Perfect Circle) mastermind Maynard James Keenan graag los in Puscifer, dat eindelijk nog eens boven water komt (Existential Reckoning dateert alweer van 2020). The Algorythm is een snedig, nerveus en hypnotiserende 'stuk' exclusief geschreven voor de soundtrack bij de immens populaire comic book reeks American Psycho. De controversiële satire - de roman van Bret Easton Ellis werd in 1991uitgegeven en in 2000 verfilmd met een magistrale Christian Bale in de hoofdrol - is één van mijn lievelingsboeken, al moest ik me door de eerste helft worstelen.
“American Psycho” artists Piotr Kowalski (“The Witcher,” “Bloodborne,” “Sex”) and Brad Simpson (“Kong of Skull Island,” “Stray Dogs,” “Blade Runner Origins”) collaborated with Puscifer to create original illustrations for the video. The clip, animated by Tony Celano of Sumerian Records, features the serials’ lead characters Charlene Carruthers and Patrick Bateman, with Carruthers’ social media-heavy storyline aligning with Puscifer’s oft-mentioned themes of dopamine addiction through habitual social media use.
“Joining forces with the legendary rock band Puscifer for our soundtrack to the ‘American Psycho’ comic book series is an electrifying collaboration,” shares Nathan Yocum. President of Sumerian Comics. “This original song brings an intensity and depth to the narrative, elevating the experience for fans and readers alike. We’re thrilled to amplify the story’s impact with Puscifer’s signature sound, creating a fusion of music and storytelling that will further captivate audiences.”
Mat Mitchell, Puscifer guitar player and co-writer, adds: “Our approach to writing ‘The Algorithm’ was not to delicately peel back the layers of the onion, but instead, to take an axe to it.”