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Bertus Elings

Sounds | Ondfødt , Dödsrejson

Voor de Finssprekende menschen onder onsch: de Finse black metalband Ondfødt brengt op 28 april a.s. hun vijfde album uit, Det Österbottniska M​ö​rkret. In aanloop daar naartoe is vandaag de single Dödsrejson uitgebracht.

Los van het feit dat ik iedereen uitdaag om eens uit te schrijven wat er gescreamd wordt, wil ik jullie allemaal even uitnodigen naar dit nummer te luisteren; er zitten muzikale hoogstandjes in die écht even gehoord moet hebben.

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April 28th will see the release of "Det Österbottniska Mörkret", the brand new album by Finnish black metal legion Ondfødt. Written in 2022, "Det Österbottniska Mörkret" is a bleak record, both lyric and sound wise. Hailing from Ostrobothnia, an area in western Finland with lots of urban legends and dark stories, this album is exploring the darkest side of Ostrobothnia, both lyrically and sonically. "If you are from Ostrobothnia you will understand. The endless darkness during winter when the sun is barely going above the horizon. You will also understand the dark history of the witch hunt." "Det Österbottniska Mörkret" is about all of that and going even deeper to the roots of all the evil spirits that lives in the area.

The album takes you through the dark history of murders and the darkest side of people driven by religion. And aswell the urban legends of the spirits and the evil creations that lives in the endless forsts of Ostrobothnia. And finally the album takes you through death itself with the song and first single "Dödsrejson".

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