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Sounds | Oceans Of Slumber, The Adorned Fathomless Creation

John Van de Mergel

Wanneer 'El Dobber' los gaat, dan gaat ie ook compleet los! TAFC is bijna zeven minuten pure genialiteit omgezet in een uppercut van death/black/epic doom met als bindend element die über fantastische soulvolle stem en inleving van Cammie Gilbert. Op dit nummer contrasteert ze schitterend met de grunts van Jessie Santos (g, bv). Ik heb het er verdomme niet altijd makkelijk mee wanneer het brein achter OOS zijn duivels ontbindt. Het is me bij momenten te technisch wat de drumpartijen betreft, maar ik kan niet ontkennen dat het werkt en ik gefascineerd achterblijf. Na twee songs ben ik er reeds van overtuigd dat Oceans Of Slumber hun vorig album - The Banished Heart - zullen overtreffen. Een waar huzarenstuk dus.

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Oceans Of Slumber verschijnt op 4 september via Century Media Records.

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With “The Adorned Fathomless Creation” US prog metal outfit OCEANS OF SLUMBER release the second single off of their recently announced new and self-titled album “Oceans Of Slumber”, due to be released on September 4th, 2020, via Century Media Records worldwide. 

Oceans Of Slumber comment: “Violence, revenge, retribution, repeat. The adorned fathomless creation that is humanity, that is society, that is each of us. Warped and blinded by this eye for an eye mentality, we stumble along the path of this insidious and cyclical nature of violence and pain. Hate begets more hate. Fear a contagion. Compassion a lost art of emotional bending. Outcry, anger, rage, repeat. We long for the gentle embrace of compassion, hope to be soothed by a love that is no where to be found.  So the machine churns, spewing smoke along a degenerative wasteland. Victim, valor, vengeance, repeat. Our only hope is to remember that among ourselves is an ability to connect, an ability to heal, an ability to grow. To break the machine and free ourselves from its corrosive and cancerous nature. Teach, acknowledge, heal, repeat.”

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