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Sounds | Numento - Opilion

Jan Guisset

Ik moet toegeven dat het de videoclip is die mij volledig over de streep getrokken heeft. In een fantastisch grafische stijl die je niet vaak (meer) ziet bij videoclips en al helemaal niet in dit genre.

Dat wil echter niet zeggen dat de muziek niet goed zou zijn, integendeel zelfs. Echt goed gebrachte moderne melodic death door deze Finse band. Frontdame Katri Hiovain beschikt over een stevige stembandenset en klinkt bijzonder goed, zowel qua grunts als met haar cleane vocals.

De band heeft al twee albums op hun conto staan en het derde, dat The Antimatter Fantasy zal gaan heten verschijnt deze zomer via Inverse Records,

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Finnish modern melodeath band Numento has released the last single "Opilion" from their upcoming third album "The Antimatter Fantasy". The song is released with a stunning hand-crafted animated music video. Aggressive and saturated with addictive melodies, "Opilion" tells a story about a person caught in the web of deceit, carefully crafted by a spider-like predator. True to Numento's style, the song combines strong contrasts of rage and aggressiveness with a delicate ethereality that seamlessly complement each other. Even before its release, "Opilion" has become a crowd favourite at concerts and has established itself in Numento's live set.


Founded originally in 2004, Numento is a modern melodic death metal band from Helsinki. In their music, extreme metal styles are combined with a phenomenal and versatile female voice, ranging from operatic heights to deep growls. The band has released two albums so far, "The Cataclysm" (2019) and "The Vile Entity" (2022), the third album is going to be released in summer of 2024. Numento always leaves the audience in awe with their aggressive sound, ethereal atmosphere and an energetic live show. The versatile songs are adorned with the eerie sound of the Finnish national instrument, kantele. One of their most important merits is winning the toughest metal band competition in Finland, Tuska-Torstai in 2022 and playing at the main Tuska festival in the same year. In addition, they have warmed up the stage for Aephanemer and Smackbound at On the Rocks Helsinki.

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