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Sounds | Normandie, Atmosphere

Maui Vindevogel

De Zweedse Normandie weet te emotioneren met hun nieuwe single Atmosphere. De track "Atmosphere" is het resultaat van het afgelopen zware jaar en de behoefte aan menselijke connectie. Het aankomende album Dark & Beautiful Secrets kunnen we verwachten op 19 februari 2021 via Easy Life Records.

Zanger Philip Strand over het nieuwe liedje: "One in five people in Europe say they experience feelings of loneliness, and during the pandemic many more feel anxious and isolated. With Atmosphere, we wanted to highlight the issue of loneliness online and how hard it can be to reach out for real connections. With the video we tried to focus on the lyrics, and let the visuals reflect on the emotions in the song".

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Philip writes with unflinching candour about everything from panic attacks (Hostage) to his fractious relationship with the internet (Atmosphere), and how the need to dig deeper into yourself can make you lose track of reality (Babylon). He writes about love and lust, and how confusing the two can lead to learning harsh lessons about your personal worth (Chemicals). He examines who he was as a child and how much his life and his values have changed in adulthood (Mission Control). Underpinning all of these personal revelations, however, is the moment his life changed forever, aged 14, when he turned his back on the church he grew up in (Holy Water, Bury Me Alive, Renegade).

Though its rooted in the private rites of passage that helped shape Philip as a person, the potency of "Dark & Beautiful Secrets" lies in that unifying thread about finding the strength and courage to make your own stand in life, and to seek out that which is true for you. It’s about being brave about the person you once were and reconciling that with who you want to be.

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