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Sounds | Mike Legere - Memory Forming Clouds

John Van de Mergel

Het blijkt keer op keer dat, wanneer ik binnen het brede spectrum genaamd 'americana' interessante songs en artiesten ontdek, deze veelal uit Canada komen. Legere doet in feite niets speciaal de eerste twee minuten, maar stuwt zijn nummer dan even richting intense indie rock (bijna post rock) en dat komt wel binnen.

Memory Forming Clouds is op 23 november 2022 verschenen.

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Mike Legere is a Toronto based songwriter and producer from Nova Scotia. He plays lyrically driven indie folk rock. His debut album Ourselves In Public was released in 2018, his singles Love Songs (In Fear Of Dying Penniless) and Billboard were released in late 2021, three songs from his record Memory Forming Clouds have been released so far.

"Memory Forming Clouds is an album about grief, from inside of it. It’s about loss, heartbreak and the fog of change. I wrote it in a tumultuous time, on the North Shore of Nova Scotia, working through separate issues including the end of the relationship that had seen me through my twenties, being temporarily laid off due to the studio that was my main employer being destroyed in a flash flood, and mourning the loss of the woman who had raised me.

I wrote the title track, “Memory Forming Clouds” in pieces throughout the early days of the end of a long-term relationship. I was sleeping on a futon during a heat wave, having daily panic attacks, and I felt like the world was collapsing around me. I wrote the verses gradually over a month-long period, as a way of making sense of the experience. "

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