Het eerste woord dat in mij opkomt is kippenvel. De mannen uit Karlsruhe hebben hun laatste track van hun derde album, dat 28 mei uitkomt, gereleased. De track is wat we ondertussen gewoon zijn van hun: deathcore en duistere teksten samen met een videoclip waar ze veel vuur, kaarsen en rook gebruiken. Maar de tempowisselingen op het einde doen het voor mij. Het sleept je mee door het donkere verhaal over de kanselier van de hel en de aartsvijand van God. Nu is het dus uitkijken naar het album dat er snel aankomt.
A Hill To Die Upon verschijnt op 28 mei via Unique Leader Records.
Luister ook naar: A Hill To Die Upon
The video is instantly recognisable Mental Cruelty - smoke, candles, torches, and fire. The lyrics concern the Chancellor of Hell, the chairman of the high council of devils, Adramelech, who is also called an arch-enemy of God in Christian demonology.
Vocalist Lucca Schmerler says the following about this track: “'King Ov Fire' is a song that clearly shows where we come from, from the underground and from the slam scene. With this song, we hope to have created a guilty pleasure for all our fans who have been by our side since day one. Of course, it's not a pure slam track, but I'm proud of how we managed to unite our roots and our musical origins with our new sound in this song."
Founded in 2016 in Germany, the quintet have established themselves as one of the most exciting bands on the extreme underground, touring Europe with Rings Of Saturn and Nekrogoblikon in 2019 and North America with Signs Of The Swarm and Disentomb. Now with two albums under their belts, including 2019's critically acclaimed Inferis, produced by Sky Van Hoff (Rammstein, Kreator), they have become well known for their signature blackened breakdowns, blast beats, epic arrangements and slamming brutality.
Mental Cruelty will further explore their sound on new album A Hill To Die Upon, which heralds a new era for the band.