'Losmaken van het verleden én het heden. Ruwe intensiteit.' zo orakelt de perstekst. Geloof er niets van, dit is Bonamassa op zijn meest mainstream en radiovriendelijk. Shake This Ground is een mooi liedje, eentje dat zich lieflijk in het oor nestelt, eentje waarbij je de warme zonnestralen op je gezicht voelt, eentje dat je gelukzalig doet glimlachen. Ook eentje zonder zo'n typisch ellenlange solo. Helemaal geen gitaarsolo zelfs.
Co-written by Bonamassa and James House, “Shake This Ground” is about hitting a rough patch in a relationship and finding a way to shake things up before it’s too late. The song’s steady rhythm and heartfelt lyrics capture the moment when two people recognise the need to break out of a rut and get back to what made them strong in the first place. Bonamassa’s rich, expressive vocals bring both grit and warmth to the track, making every word feel real and lived-in. Lines like “Ain’t saying that I have all the answers, ‘cause I got more questions than I need” speak to the uncertainty that can creep into any relationship, while the powerful chorus is all about moving forward—a hopeful and inspirational reminder that it’s never too late to turn things around.
Produced by longtime collaborator Kevin Shirley (Iron Maiden, The Black Crowes, Journey), “Shake This Ground” expands Bonamassa’s ever-evolving sound while staying rooted in his blues-rock foundation and is the first glimpse from his upcoming new studio album slated for later this year. The track arrives on the heels of his recent collaboration with Sammy Hagar on the searing single "Fortune Teller Blues," further cementing Bonamassa’s place at the forefront of modern blues.
"This is a song that James House and I wrote randomly that did not seem to find a home until almost a year later,” Bonamassa recalls. “I love the way James writes lyrics. The lines sing themselves and have a good amount of meaning now. All good songs find their time and place eventually."