Als een mistbank die plots uit de zee rijst, zo doemt Earth to Sky als een muur van geluid plots op en heb je al je stuurmanskunsten nodig om niet te verdwalen of op de klippen te lopen. Wie zijn schip wel onder controle heeft, ontdekt in deze ogenschijnlijke soep al snel het ene prachtige moment na het andere.
De track is afkomstig uit IOTUNN's nieuwe en geweldige album, Kinship, dat in
oktober uitkwam via Metal Blade Records en waaruit ik u ook van harte het niet minder dan geniale nummer I Feel the Night wil aanraden.
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A monolithic album arising from the primeval sea, IOTUNN's Kinship is a mythological journey through eight tracks that span immense spheres both musically and lyrically, exploring the deep roots of human nature, its connection and disconnection with everything and everyone, and how our choices have always defined ourselves and the lives lived.
Comments guitarist Jesper Gräs on "Earth To Sky," "This song is, in many ways, inspired by the tradition of film music. It is progressive and yet simple at its core and presents a sound full of themes, moods, and feelings which truly unfold in the mid-sections but are constantly present throughout. When we were done with the album, we all got hit by this one in a very special way which we had not foreseen, and we found it to be a natural single from the Kinship album. It holds many things which we hold dearly, includes many of the core ingredients which is IOTUNN, and it has some of the most brutal metal of the album."
Adds guitarist Jens Nicolai, "This song is built on two connected ideas except a couple of minor detours, so it's a way of writing that we've done before - to see how many colors we can paint within very limited settings. As it turned out, the frame got bigger and bigger and rich on motifs, and it's got lots of cool transitions."