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John Van de Mergel

Sounds | Ida Mae - Tomorrow's Just Too Far

Met de release van het sterke Thunder Above You achter de rug, een peuter op hun schoot en Turpin's nieuwe project Mirador net uit de startblokken, krijgen we nog een extraatje van dit zalige duo. Hun nieuwe single is een tintelende folk ballad die wat extra st(r)oom krijgt door Chris Turpin's fingerpicking op zijn Resonator gitaar. De man neemt ook de lead vocals op zich, al vult Stephanie Jean mooi aan en sluiten ze bloedmooi in duet af.


“This is a ‘get out and run’ song. I wanted it to have the guttural voice of an old country blues song, the yodel of an old Guthrie or Rodger’s tune, tied up in the vernacular or an old English folk ballad,” explains Chris Turpin. “Picking up these threads I wrote it late at night in streams of consciousness on my Steel National Resonator Guitar. It was written at an incredibly important moment. We had a major sea change in our lives. Our young daughter had become a toddler having taken her across America and Europe on tour and new musical and business projects loomed on the horizon. All this whilst dealing with some of the trauma of my early life. I had dived deeper into older folk ballads and stories to find solace and fresh meaning. Drawing parallels with great folk stories and their brutal poetry. Sometimes you just have to leave. Now. Forget the consequences. Tomorrow’s just too far.”

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