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Sounds | High Desert Queen - Death Perception

Jan Guisset

Het mag dan misschien 'maar' een lyric video zijn, ik vind hem wel hilarisch. Jongelui die net als ik opgegroeid zijn in de jaren '80 met actiehelden als Stalone, Schwarzenegger en co., zullen zeker begrijpen waarom.

De band zegt dat het nummer op enkele uren tijd geschreven werd in de studio en dat is duidelijk hoorbaar. Wat ik echter op de meest respectvolle manier bedoel. De song klinkt totaal niet overbedacht, lekker los, een beetje lui zelfs maar het het hele plaatje klopt gewoon. En het idee om de song te laten inzingen door Emma Näslund van GUAPA, die ook hier haar Björk-timbre niet kan verbergen, was inderdaad wel een geniale ingeving.

Death Perception is de tweede single uit hun nieuwe album Palm Reader dat op 31 mei verschijnt via Magnetic Eye Records.

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"It was pretty crazy how 'Death Perception' came to life", vocalist Ryan Garney writes about the new single. "This is one of three tracks that were incarnated during our first night in the studio when we were just jamming trying to get levels. Within a few hours, we had the song written and recorded. Rusty threw in a riff, he actually came up with on the fly during the last time that we were in the studio to record our first album. He had not played it since. After we had all the music recorded and I sat down to write lyrics, I immediately thought about how amazing Emma Näslund from Gaupa would sound on this song. She and I had talked about the possibility of her adding vocals to our record when we crossed paths a few times last year on tour in Europe. We also feel that her vocals are just too strong to be in the background and that she should be the main singer on her track. I enjoyed collaborating with her on melodies and lyrics, and I am extremely happy with the result. She us such an amazing person and vocalist, and I hope to work with her again in the future!"

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