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Sounds | High Desert Queen, As We Roam

John Van de Mergel

Jaja, er komt nog heavy/stoner rock van buiten België ook hoor, getuige HDQ uit Texas. Hier zullen we ze voorlopig niet zien, maar ginder over de grote plas trekken ze de hort op met Sasquatch en dus laten ze nog even vlug deze geanimeerde video voor As We Roam op de wereld los. Knap stevig nummer met véél meldodie en knappe gitaarsolo's. Zo'n headbanger waarbij je uit volle borst meezingt.

Secrets of the Black Moon verscheen in oktober 2022 via Ripple Music.

Luister ook naar: Namazu


Formed in 2019 to an eclectic backdrop of influences, the foursome’s sole aim was to make the kind of music they could file away on their own record shelves, among the likes of Queens of the Stone Age, Elder, Lowrider, Alice in Chains, Tom Waits and The Allman Brothers. Providing high octane shows that never deliver the same experience twice, High Desert Queen were well on their way to establishing themselves as one of the hardest working rock bands on the Austin music scene.

Relocating from Houston in 2020 to accommodate the talents of bassist Matt Metzger and drummer Phil Hook, singer Ryan Garney and guitarist Rusty Miller of High Desert Queen quickly found themselves in the enviable position of having twelve songs ready to commit to tape. With such an impressive display of sincerity and sonic maturity, they caught the eye and ear of Ozzy Osbourne bassist Blasko, who signed the band to Ripple Music as part of his collaboration with the Californian label.


Ryan Garney – Vocals, Guitar

Rusty Miller – Lead Guitar

Matt Metzger – Bass Guitar

Phil Hook – Drums

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