Gedrenkt in melancholie en gedragen door een aangrijpende orkestratie komt de nieuwe single van Gregory Alan Isakov meteen binnen. Het is wat mij betreft een combinatie van die heerlijke stem met de gekozen instrumenten als piano, banjo en zoveel meer. Van het type (indie) folk waar ik wel warm van wordt, dat me intrigeert.
Mistakes kan je vinden op het in 2023 verschenen Appalossa Bones.
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Directed by Joe Connor (Harry Styles, Coldplay), the video offers a cinematic journey through the breathtaking, idyllic coasts of Ireland.
Of the video, Connor shares, “Gregory Alan Isakov’s voice is transportive. Like a sound heard in a dream, it teleports you to far-off places and distant worlds. I wanted to plunge the viewer into the icy waters and perilous coastline of Donegal, Ireland—a wild and ancient land. The waves here tower beyond 50 feet, surfed by only the bravest inhabitants of this ancient place. I teamed up with Clem McInerney, one of Ireland’s best surf cinematographers, and we spent two beautiful, windswept days filming Ryan Watts as he tackled the challenging and tumultuous sea. The result is a film that captures the rare, haunting beauty of this precious song.”
“Mistakes” is from Isakov’s most recent album, Appaloosa Bones, which was released to widespread acclaim. The Associated Press praised, “His new songs are relentlessly majestic, a kind of musical morphine,” while Paste declared, “he’s continuing to make expertly-tooled music…it’s reliably beautiful and starkly self-possessed throughout.”
Born in Johannesburg, South Africa and raised in Philadelphia, Isakov now calls Colorado home. When he isn’t on the road, he spends much of his time writing and recording songs in his barn studio, as well as running Starling Farm (his farm in Boulder County), which provides produce to the farm’s CSA members, local restaurants, and Community Food Share (a Boulder County food bank).
Beloved by his devoted community of fans and critics alike, Isakov has garnered over 1 billion streams to date and averages 6.8 million monthly Spotify listeners. Additionally, Isakov collaborated on recently released songs with Noah Kahan, Shovels & Rope, and Jeremiah Fraites (of The Lumineers). website