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Sounds | Godsleep - Pots Of Hell

John Van de Mergel

In Athene (Griekenland) moeten drie stoner dudes gedacht hebben: "Hoe kunnen we in dat genre potverdikke wat uit de band springen en er tussen het pack uitspringen?". Enter de hyperactieve Amie Makris met haar punk/noise/metalcore style vocals én een label met een knettergekke naam (owned by 1000Mods) en je bent al een goed eind de juiste richting uit. Zelf meemaken hoe dit zootje ongeregeld een dak eraf doet gaan? Ga dan op 4 mei naar Café The Jack in Eindhoven (NL).

Lies To Survive verschijnt op 7 april via Ouga Booga and the Mighty Oug Records. Luister ook naar: Cracks Lees

Formed in 2010, Godsleep have been working relentlessly since then, walking their way to entering the heavy rock pantheon. Having been described as one of the most promising bands of the heavy/psychedelic rock sound, from their very beginning, the Athenian heavy rock roller-coaster based its very existence on powerful live appearances, including the participation in high profile rock festivals all around Europe and a full European tour in support of their critically acclaimed debut album "Thousand Sons of Sleep" (Rock Freaks Records, 2015).

2018 welcomes the release of "Coming of Age", Godsleep's sophomore full length album, which was released by legendary Greek underground rock record label The Lab Records and garnered strong reactions from both press and fans. Having kept the core ingredients of their sound intact: heavy/fuzzy guitars, thick bass lines and powerful groovy drumming, Godsleep enriched their songwriting with uniquely addictive female vocals which vary from psychedelic howls and haunting melodies to throat-ripping edgy screams.

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