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Sounds | Friend/Enemy, HIH NO​/​ON (Album)

Sven Togni

Tim Kinsella is van alle markten thuis: muzikant, auteur, regisseur,... Dit album werd reeds in november 2016 opgenomen en ziet nu eindelijk het daglicht. De man uit Chicago omringde zich met ene groep vrienden en maakte dit opvallende album geïnspireerd door de shockeerende uitslag van de presidentsverkiezingen.

Releasedatum: 27 maart 2020



In November 2016, shocked and devastated by the election of President Apocalypse Fuckface, a group of us sought normalcy, distraction, and community the best we could, in a recording studio. These songs were written and recorded quick—all within just a couple days— with minimal overdubs, a minimal slogan approach to lyrics, and the idea of finally cranking out the simple “guitar rock” record my various industry partners had been nudging me to do for the previous 20 years. The final track, “The Decline of Ballooning” is a counterpoint—a cover I’d been wanting to do for years by our late friend Brian Torrey-Scott, co-written with Sam Wagster. The record got lost in the clutter of all of our busy schedules and greater priorities, but now that the world is suddenly shuttered, no time like the present, eh? What a group here! Hope you enjoy Monster Mash Variations!

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