Al ruim 35 jaar zijn ze actief! En al hebben ze nooit de naam en faam bereikt zoals hun peers van bv Metallica of Megadeth is het heilige vuur toch steeds blijven branden bij Flotsam And Jetsam. Op 4 juni verschijnt hun vijftiende (alstamblieft!) album Blood In The Water via AFM Records. Enkele weken geleden werd al een eerste track daaruit gedeeld, Burn The Sky. Die klonk al niet onaardig maar nu is er ook een lyric video voor albumopener en titeltrack Blood in the Water. En indien dit de standaard wordt voor het hele album dan belooft dat wel een toppertje te worden. F&J staan garant voor aanstekelijke Power/Thrash metal met een flinke scheut NWOBHM. Combineer dat met venijnige lyrics en je krijgt een dynamieke track als deze Blood in the Water. Njoy
It’s been 35 years since FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, formed in Phoenix, Arizona released their landmark debut, "Doomsday For The Deceiver", the only album to ever receive a 6K rating from the influential British magazine Kerrang! Bassist Jason Newsted would jump ship to Metallica while the band released the unstoppable “No Place for Disgrace” in 1988. "Cuatro" (1992), "Drift" (1995), "High" (1997), and "My God" (2001) all still rank extremely high in heavy metal circles. But it was the first part of this unofficial trilogy in 2016’s self-titled FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, followed by the the crushing 2019- successor, "The End Of Chaos", that a certain rejuvenation and reset was clearly felt. Fast-forward five years to a planet that was forced to its knees: While spending most of the past year in a holding pattern like the rest of the world, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM made the best of a struggling situation and just let those creative juices and angst flow. What emerged was twelve brand new blistering tracks under the moniker Blood In The Water.
The FLOTSAM lineup has never been stronger. AK keeps bringing the magic every album and tour, and oddly seems to be getting better and better as time goes on. He’s backed by the incredibly talented, exceptionally brilliant guitar duo of co-founder Michael Gilbert and Steve Conley, the powerful, precise and lightning fast engine of drummer Ken Mary, (whose Hall of Fame resume includes over five million albums sold with artists such as Alice Cooper, House Of Lords, and Accept), and the “fresh blood” and extraordinary technical skills and prowess of bassist Bill Bodily.
No filler, all killer, Blood In The Water was once again mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen (U.D.O., Volbeat, Amaranthe, Powerwolf) and sees FLOTSAM AND JETSAM exploding with creativity, moving forward but nodding to their past.
The band has come a long way from the kids that stepped onto the world stage with their first album in 1986, but the one thing that has never been in question since that day is their dedication to their fans, their incredible talent, and relentless pursuit to produce their best music ever.