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Sounds | Fever 333, Supremacy

Maui Vindevogel

Fever 333, met de ex-frontman van letlive., laat weer van zich horen! De driekoppige band staat bekend om met hun liedjes zich uit te spreken over allerlei belangrijke thema's zoals racisme. Ook in hun nieuwe liedje Supremacy is dat niet anders, en dat kunnen we zeker waarderen, vooral in deze onstuimige tijden. Het voelt wel alsof Jason's stem niet helemaal tot zijn recht komt in Supremacy, helaas.

FEVER 333 hun debut album, Strength in Numb333rs, dateert van vorig jaar. Het is tot nu toe onduidelijk of de groep van plan is om een nieuw album uit te brengen.


Just a few years ago skies were blue for letlive. They toured the world both as headliners and as openers for bigger acts, record sales peaked... but after 15 years the band folded when they realised they were no longer on the same page. Singer Jason Butler didn’t waste any time starting a new band including The Chariot guitarist Stevis Harrison. The new supergroup goes by Fever 333 and although the letlive. DNA is obvious, there is more room for experimentation. Their music can be described as a rock/rap hybrid reminiscent of Public Enemy and Linkin Park; the politically and socially engaged lyrics inevitably call to mind the pioneers of Rage Against the Machine. Initially signed by the More Hi-Hat label (Travis Barker/John Feldmann), Roadrunner scooped them up in time for the release of their full-length debut.

(Bron: Graspop Metal Meeting)

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