Op haar nieuwe single speelt Eivør weer volop met percussie en Noorse natuurkrachten. UPP ÚR ØSKUNI laat zich in het Engels vertalen als "Rise From the Ashes" en is een hommage aan de vrouwelijke krachten, gesymboliseerd door heksen, zowel uit het heden als het verleden.
De song gaat gepaard met een prachtig gestileerde video met zwart-witte beelden die halverwege overgaan in kleur. Vuur speelt een visueel belangrijke rol en toont dat de brandstapels de heksen nooit volledig klein hebben gekregen.
Het nieuwe album, ENN, verschijnt op 14 juni via Season of Mist.
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"When I was writing 'UPP ÚR ØSKUNI / RISE FROM THE ASHES', I imagined a coven of witches, past and present, chanting to each other across the chasms of time", Eivør says. That mental image will forever be seared into our cultural memory by the song's positively bewitching video, which was created by a wickedly talented team of women.
"This video felt like a homecoming in many ways", she continues. "I had a strong urge that to capture the spirit of 'UPP ÚR ØSKUNI / RISE FROM THE ASHES', we needed to film in the Faroe Islands. Katrin Joensen Næss was the perfect choice for director, as the two of us shared the same aesthetic vision. We were joined by an amazing team of Faroese female artists whom I also admire. Art Director Jenný Kragesteen, Costume Designer Maibritt Marjunardóttir and the rest of these wonderful women all delivered their special magic to this video. In the spirit of the song, we all felt that we rose from the ashes together creating this visual world. I couldn't be more proud or more grateful for this collaboration".
ENN is Eivør's first offering for the international metal label Season of Mist. But "UPP ÚR ØSKUNI / RISE FROM THE ASHES" was the last song that she wrote for the album. "I wanted to complement the earthy vibes of ENN with something raw, that was coursing with untamed feminine energy", she says. Where lead single "JARÐARTRÁ/DUST TO DUST" beckoned us back into the blue embrace of Mother Earth, "UPP ÚR ØSKUNI / RISE FROM THE ASHES" cries out in celebration of all the mothers, sisters and other strong women in her life.