Man, man, man... wat klinkt dit weer zalig! Een soulklepper van formaat, een stem uit de duizend en de juiste (vintage) productie. Maakt het dan wat uit dat Sadie wel héél dicht aanleunt bij een nummer getiteld Oh! Darling van vier jongens uit Liverpool? Misschien is dit wel een ode aan dat liedje uit 1969?
Wait Til I Get Over verschijnt op 5 mei 2023 via Dead Oceans.
Ter Info
Known as one of the singers and principal songwriters of Durand Jones & the Indications, this solo debut pulls Jones from that highly collaborative band to a place far more vulnerable and singular, and affirms him as the modern vanguard of Southern Black music. Much of Wait Til I Get Over is built on Jones’ relationship to his hometown of Hillaryville, Louisiana, a town first established as a form of reparations to previously enslaved Black Americans. The town, and Jones’ reflections, are a tangle of contradictions: the pristine beauty and the ragged roads; his teenage desire to leave and his adult desire to honor his roots; the plantation history and the ups and downs of the Black community that first made Hillaryville flourish, then suffered through its slow, systemic ravaging. facebook