Ik heb deze band enkele jaren geleden, onder lichte druk, leren kennen op Graspop. Mijn broer was namelijk al het hele weekend "Deeeeaaaath, death dies haaaaard" aan het zingen op de weide en ik had het gevoel dat dit niet meer ging ophouden tenzij ik mee zou gaan kijken naar het optreden van Deathstars. Gelukkig voor mij, was dit eigenlijk best wel een leuke band met een geweldig vette show. Toen ik zag dat ze een nieuw nummer hadden uitgebracht werden mijn enthousiasme en nieuwsgierigheid dan ook meteen opgewekt. Na het beluisteren van deze single wist ik dat ik hem met de lezers van Brothers In Raw wou delen. Dus bij deze; geniet van This Is!
Dit is (pun intended) een geweldig leuk industrial nummer met stevige drums, intrigerende vocals en bangelijke elektronische melodietjes. Het duistere en "all over the place" -gehalte van de musicvideo past ook perfect bij de sfeer van de single zelf. Verder is er nog meer goed nieuws, wat later dit jaar brengt de band ook nog een nieuw album uit. Onder de über optimistische naam "Everything Destroys You" kan je deze beluisteren vanaf 5 mei.
Ter info
Swedish industrial cult act DEATHSTARS finally return with their latest sonic output Everything Destroys You, which will be released on May 5th through Nuclear Blast Records. Their first release in over eight years marks a long-awaited comeback, spotlighting everything that is DEATHSTARS: adrenaline, bombast, sex & glam! “The reason it’s been taking so long is that we simply wanted - and needed - a break after intense touring and so on, and on top of that the pandemic happened so tours were postponed and the release with them, so it feels fantastic to finally be able to present Everything Destroys You", says Nightmare Industries.
The band are celebrating their return with an amazing video for the first single ´This Is´ . Frontman Whiplasher Bernadotte stated about the video: "We had a lot of discussions regarding the first video. At some point it was going to be filmed in Mexico City, the next day Paris or Belgrade but we ended up just filming it in Stockholm, where we live. It was kind of a slimmed down production, shooting for a couple of days in the old slaughterhouse area in Stockholm. We wanted to do a video with no green screen or blue box, just a straightforward rock video that illustrates what this band is about in less than four minutes. It was weird shooting it where we did. We actually filmed it in “Slaktkyrkan”, which means “The slaughter church”, and the scenario… well, in one corner you could see a very androgynous looking Cat in high heels with a lot of weird lights all around him, in another corner Nightmare strapped to some fence in a straitjacket, then we had Skinny with a chainsaw and an angle grinder – just decapitating mannequins, Nitro toiling in a sea of fire and drums, and also me with my 130 kilo python, who is 6,30 meters long and her name is Cruella. Interesting creature! She was very heavy to walk around with; sliding around my shoulders and constantly licking my neck with her tongue. We had a good time."