Goeiemorrrrrrregeeeeuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh! Wakker worden met razende hardcore/punk van dit geniaal geschifte viertal! Ik ga daar verder niet teveel over zeveren: het is weer zo'n song die je gewoon moet ondergaan, of niet.
II verschijnt op 28 oktober via Ipecac Recordings.
“’Heart Reformer’ was as much fun to write as it is to listen to,” says Crain of the song. “It’s a classic Dead Cross song. It’s a pit stirrer and a fist pumper!”
The short-film like clip, which takes the track’s title literally, was directed and edited by Dark Details (a.k.a. Chris J. Cunningham).
The band broke the news of II’s impending arrival with the release of “Reign of Error.” The one-minute and forty-five second wake-up call of a song is matched with a Displaced/Replaced-crafted clip that offers a scathing critique of the U.S. Supreme Court.
II, while both a raucous hardcore collection, and at times, a politically-charged opus, has its roots in friendship, with the band rallying together after Crain received a surprise cancer diagnosis. "Words can’t even begin to describe how much this album means to me. It’s birthed of pain and uncertainty,” adds Crain. “The slow, excruciatingly painful, and nauseating recovery from cancer treatments were the catalyst for every riff and note on this album. However, my will to live and be with my brothers Justin, Dave, Mike, and co-producer Ross Robinson, got me out of bed and running into the studio every day to get it all on tape.”