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Sounds | Darqo, Tannhauser Gate (ep)

John Van de Mergel

Niet evident wanneer je; 1° geen video krijgt/kan vinden en 2° het om een ep gaat met 'slechts' twee (weliswaar vrij lange) nummers. Plaats ik dit dan bij 'albums' of bij 'sounds'?

Het is toch wat hé met dergelijke levensvragen, maar na rijp beraad heb ik dan toch kunnen beslissen: het aakt eigenlijk geen zak uit, zolang dat 'ding' maar aan bod komt, toch? Blijkt dan nog eens dat Tannhauser Gate een specialleke is dat niet op de standaard wijze tot stand is gekomen en Darqo ook nog eens laat horen zoals we ze eigenlijk nog niet eerder hebben gehoord. Beide tracks zijn in feite dromerige, sfeervolles, ambient, noisy 'drones' die de experimentele kant van de band laten horen. Dat die sfeer donker en zwaar is, was wel te verwachten natuurlijk.

Een héél interessante en knappe 'tussendoor' in afwachting van een nieuw full album.


2020. A global pandemic shuts down the entire world. Four friends from Lichtervelde (BE) who call themselves Darqo are forced to stop rehearsing and to stop recording new music at their studio. A couple of months pass by and the idea grew to experiment with home recording. Unable to record bass or drums at home, they had to improvise. Bjørn made some noisy drone sample at home and sends these to Thomas. Not being able to record actual bass, Thomas decides to try his luck with a Moog bass synth plugin and succeeds to record a wobbly low bass track. They agreed they would send the track to one person each time without the previous person to know what they recorded. So the track went to Tjalle, who provided some foley sounds and an acoustic guitar riff. Then the track went to Jelle who plays drums in Darqo. However, instead of a drum beat Jelle makes a dreamy guitar track with the help from his Ebow. Still nobody knows how the song will end up sounding. Finally, Cisn gets the track and he adds some more low end and some distorted guitar and mixes everything together. "The Hauer Principle" is born. While still being in lock down they also started reworking a song that was only released last year on Polderriffs - Volume I in support of the postponed Alcatraz Metalfest show and called it "Nemo's War (Creeptown Mix)". Unfortunately the pandemic still keeps all members out from rehearsal- and studio-space. Eager to do something with the songs they decided to share this unique album with the world through digitale release by Polderrecords.

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