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Sounds | Casey, Great Grief

Maui Vindevogel

Ik herinner het me nog goed. December 2018. Casey kondigde aan ermee te stoppen. Gelukkig kregen we nog een afscheidstournee in 2019, maar dat was het dan. In die vier jaar heb ik altijd gehoopt dat de groep zou terugkeren. Vorige week werd dit eindelijk werkelijkheid! Naast enkele live shows in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland (die inmiddels reeds zijn uitverkocht), komt Casey ook op de proppen met een nieuw liedje.

Great Grief is zoals ze zelf zeggen hun beste werk tot nu toe. Zanger Tom Weaver noemt het een erg speciale song voor alle vijf de band members. "It was the first piece of music we wrote collectively after deciding that we wanted to do this again, and it felt like an organic progression when it came together."

Verder zegt hij ook: “Musically we wanted to maintain an anchor in the familiar, but challenge ourselves to produce a more mature and expansive sound. We put a lot of thought into the sound design, adding layers and harmonies – all things we’d not really put much effort into previously. Lyrically, the song talks about the realisation I came to after reflecting on our time as a band following our breakup. When we announced we were drawing Casey to a close, I’d tunneled on the immediate personal impact of my writing, and how it felt like I was proliferating my pain by repeating it each night. But I’m in a much better place now, and I’ve grown a lot over the last few years. So now, if I look beyond myself at how the music Casey made has been interpreted and applied in our fans, my own discomfort feels like a small price to pay for the collective joy and catharsis we felt from our community.”


Casey are a five-piece melodic hardcore band from South Wales. The band's 2016 debut, Love Is Not Enough, was a raw and visceral exploration of vocalist Tom Weaver’s personal relationships. It was an open-heart surgery that examined his romantic and familial bonds, or their wreckage, in the context of his own mental health, to devastating effect.

2018’s follow-up, Where I Go When I Am Sleeping, is no less revealing. But instead of concentrating on what Weaver considers the same old topics of love and loss, the band – completed by Liam Torrance (lead guitar), Toby Evans (guitar/backing vocals), Adam Smith (bass) and Max Nicolai (drums) – instead turns its focus to the issues of Weaver’s own body and the main physical and mental afflictions that have dogged him for the majority of his life.

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