Ik dacht 'em eigenlijk te negeren, tot ik las dat de band er een 'vervolg' aan heeft gebreid. Fortunate Son is al zoveel keer gecovered en veelal blijven bands trouw aan het origineel (cfr. Clutch). Initieel doet ook Bone Church dit, zij het dan aan een versnelling hoger. Halverwege, na een machinegeweersalvo, gaat het verhaal dan verder, waardoor deze cover dan toch een plaatsje bij ons verdient.
Dit alles om ook even te melden dat Ripple Music op 3 december een tribute album uitbrengt met maar liefst 32 bands die elk een CCR nummer brengen.
Burn on the Bayou: A Heavy Underground Tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival verschijnt op 3 december 2023 via Ripple Music.
About the compilation, Ripple Music label founder Todd Severin says: "I chose Creedence Clearwater Revival for our first compilation because I wanted to do something different. I didn't want to do Sabbath, Lizzy or such because bands have such reverence for them that they would turn in their best take on Sabbath or Lizzy. I wanted a band with amazing songs, that the bands could make their own, and boy did they. Plus Creedence Clearwater Revival is rooted in the sludge of the swamp, an aesthetic that plays well to stoner/doom bands. And to really bring out the swamp in the songs, the whole project was mastered by Kent Stump of the legendary swamp rockers Wo Fat."
Bone Church guitarist Dan Sefcik adds: "As soon as Todd asked who would be interested in a CCR tribute record we jumped on it and immediately said we’d do “Fortunate Son.” Not only is it one of my favorite songs of all time, but the message is as poignant and powerful as it’s ever been. The corrupt political and corporate “elite” deceiving the masses, forcing them to give their lives in furtherance of their twisted agenda, with no regard for humanity. We see it repeated over and over again and it’s as relevant now as ever. We recorded the song on June 28th, 2021 at Dirt Floor Studios here in CT. We wanted to stay true to the original track, because frankly it’s perfect, but we also wanted to expand on it. That’s why we wrote a second piece that continues the story and further focuses on the soldiers who were thrown into the hell that is war. Most importantly we’d like to dedicate the song to all the soldiers and their families who sacrificed their bodies and minds. You will not be forgotten." "Burn on the Bayou: A Heavy Underground Tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival" was compiled and produced by Todd Severin. Mastered by Kent Stump at Clear Clear Sound, Dallas, Texas. The artwork was illustrated by Cody Kuehl, with layout by Mack Aceves and gatefold art by Joe Mruk at Red Buffalo Illustration.