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Sounds | Big|Brave, Half Breed

John Van de Mergel

Wanneer Lauren (van Rarely Unable) me weer eens iets toestuurt, dan weet ik dat het een uitdaging wordt om te luisteren én niet evident hierover te schrijven wanneer het aanslaat bij me. Dat is ook weer nu zo, met Half Breed van Big|Brave. Er is geen sprake van conventionele songstructuren. Het Canadese drietal meandert tussen langerokken 'distorted' noten op gitaar, lome drumpartijen, loodzware riffs en dat overgoten met de keelklanken van Tasy Hudson die aan een jonge Björk doen denken. De bijhorende video is al even 'weird': één langerokken shot van één 'uitbeeldende' handeling die staat voor de schade die een externe kracht kan hebben op iets of iemand, zonder dat je ooit enige verantwoordelijkheid moet dragen of enig gevolg moet geven. Ja, dat laatste haalde ik uit de perstekst.

BIG | BRAVE "The action of shovelling dirt onto the person, also acts a way to discredit, shame and discriminate the individual. With the victim (on screen), being painfully covered with dirt by the perpetrator (off screen), all we have to witness is the damage done and left behind. We are aware of what is happening, what has happened, but the source is kept anonymous and can easily be missed and overlooked."

Vital verschijnt op 23 april 2021! via Southern Lord Records.

ter info

With the initial seeds planted in 2012, with no other goal than simply experimenting with the instruments in their possession, Robin Wattie and Mathieu Ball started writing subtle ambient/minimalistic folk songs together. When long time friend Louis Alexandre Beauregard joined on drums, the goal still remained to play as tranquil as possible. After an incident where Wattie’s acoustic guitar broke, and having borrowed a friend’s electric as a replacement, larger amps that Ball had in storage from previous bands started to get incorporated to the outfit. Now with amplitude as a compositional tool, BIG | BRAVE never lost interest in the power of minimalism and fragility. It became clear that loud volume would become just as effective as the lowest possible ones and the juxtaposition of both would become something BIG | BRAVE still uses as their main MO to this day.

After self-releasing Feral Verdure in 2014, the band had the opportunity to open for Thee Silver Mt Zion in Montreal QC. After which, Efrim Manuel Menuck found something meaningful in the members and the band and invited them to open on future shows with Mt Zion and with Godspeed! You Black Emperor.

In 2015, the band entered the studio with Menuck and recorded Au De La. With no home for the record, they decided to take a chance in writing to Southern Lord. As luck would have it, Greg Anderson happened upon their email among hundreds and responded. Since then, the band has had a home with Southern Lord Records. (Along with Au De La, Southern Lord has released Ardor in 2017, A Gaze Among Them in 2019 and VITAL in 2021).

After Beauregard’s departure in 2018, the band traveled down to Rhode Island with Loel Campbell on drums to make a first record with Seth Manchester at Machines with Magnets. After the album’s release, with Campbell unable to tour, Tasy Hudson joined the ranks and the band spent most of the year touring their 2019 album A Gaze Among Them.

In 2020, the core trio of Ball, Wattie and Hudson once again made the trek down to Machines with Magnets to record their fifth LP VITAL.

Since their inception, the band has had many honours and privileges of touring a number of times in North America and Europe with bands such as Sunn O))), MY DISCO, The Body, Thou, Primitive Man and Thee Silver Mt Zion.

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