OEn toen kregen we ineens een nieuwe song van Architects, yay! Seeing Red beukt er serieus in met goeie riffs, diepe grunts en heel wat mosh-mogelijkheden. Of er volgend jaar een nieuw album komt? Daar is helaas nog geen nieuws over. Ik ben alleszins fan van deze teaser!
Wie Architects live aan het werk wil zien, moet gelukkig niet lang wachten. Op donderdag 25 januari staan de mannen namelijk in de Lotto Arena in Antwerpen. Meer info en tickets.
Architects is a British metalcore band that started in 2004. They really found their sound when releasing The Here and Now in 2013. The year after, Daybreaker was released. It was with Lost Forever // Lost Together that they gained popularity and really stayed on the radar. After the release of All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us in 2016, guitarist and lyricist Tom Searle lost his battle against cancer. This has had a huge impact on the band. However, they released a new album in 2018 titled Holy Hell, which was a tribute to their brother.