By Norse is een label dat héél interessante bands herbergt, steevast met een etnische insteek, maar verder erg breed naar genres toe. Veel zaken spreken mij niet aan, maar geregeld zit er iets tussen dat ik helemaal voel. Afargang is zo'n project - rond de Noorse violist Olav L. Mjelva - dat me enorm kan boeien. Met zijn Hardanger 'fiddle' creëert hij soundscapes gebaseerd op het Noorse erfgoed en black metal. Dat laatste hoor ik nu niet in dit nummer. Wel klinkt het in mijn oren alsof The Villagers Of Ioannina City méér dan 3.000 km noordwaarts zijn getrokken en een koud donker bad hebben genomen.
Kvile zou de meest 'folky' song zijn op het aankomende album. Wat mij betreft mogen ze zo verder doen, niet te veel blak metal a.u.b.
Andvake verschijnt op 13 juni 2025 via By Norse.
Lees "Kvile” is probably the most folky song on the album. The riffs are partly inspired by desert-blues and put into a Nordic folkmetal-ish blend. "Kvile" is about the humanity´s never ending self-destructing behaviour, and the need to rest from this. "Tomorrow is just another day to continue life as before".
Olav L. Mjelva comments on the song and signing to By Norse Music: "Signing with By Norse is a dream come true. I was expecting to release this album on my own label, and to hopefully get enough attention to work with a label on the next album. But this is seriously the best thing that could have Happened! I have huge respect for By Norse and all the people involved, and I think this is a perfect match for Afargang! I look forward to the release and I´m very excited about the album. I got to work with the people I wanted to work with, and I hope it will be well received!
Ivar Bjørnson adds on behalf of By Norse: “I’ve been a fan of Olav since our work together with Skuggsjà back in 2014. When he showed me Afargang, I was absolutely floored. Being a national Folk Music treasure already, this guy has the audacity to nail the crossing over into dark, atmospheric and beautiful metal at first attempt. There are passages and harmonic progressions that made the hairs on my arms stand up like they haven’t since the early nineties. Having Afargang sign with us at By Norse Music is an absolute pleasure and honor!”