De maatregelen m.b.t. de COVID-19 situatie worden versoepeld. Dat (massa)evenementen zoals o.a. concerten als laatste in het rijtje staan, dat weten we reeds. Maar hoe zal de versoepeling verlopen, welke maatregelen zullen er worden opgelegd én hoe pakken zalen (en later ook festivals) dit dan aan?
Zie hieronder hoe TempleLive in Fort Smith (Arkansas) een concert op 15 mei zal organiseren. Travis McReady (van Bishop Gunn) zal er optreden 3 dagen vóór de 'ban' op liveshows wordt opgeheven. De zaal telt1.100 zitjes. Deze zal worden gereduceerd tot 20% van haar capiciteit, m.a.w. er zullen 229 fans worden toegelaten. Tickets worden verkocht als 'fan pods' oftewel clusters van 2-13 zitjes die minstens twee meter uit elkaar liggen.
Ziet het concertnajaar er bij ons ook zo uit?

Ter info
All who attend will be required to wear face masks, which can be purchased on-site if necessary, and have their temperature taken before being allowed into the theater. TempleLive will be sanitized prior to the show with fog sprayers and all walkways will be one-way, per the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control. Beverages will either be pre-packaged or sold in containers with lids.
There will be a 10-person limit in each bathroom, with soap and paper towel dispensers being operable without having to touch them, and some restroom fixtures will be closed in order to maintain social distancing guidelines. Employees will wipe down all touch points in the restroom and throughout the venue. You can read all the guidelines at Ticketmaster's listing for the event.
Bishop Gunn were formed in 2016, releasing a self-titled EP that year and a full-length album named after their Mississippi hometown, Natchez, in 2018. Over the course of their brief career, they've opened up for Lynyrd Skynyrd, Slash and the Struts, and been in the lineup for two of Kid Rock's cruises.