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Nieuws | PUMF Praimfaya Fest #4, JH SOJO

Sinitta Leunen

Home sweet home, nergens beter dan thuis, thuis is waar de klok tikt,... Om in te leiden naar een nieuwe editie Praimfaya begin ik met basic knowledge; waar het goed is, daar moet ge best blijven. Of naar terug gaan! Gelukkig gaat de nieuwe editie van Praimfaya Fest dus weer door in JH SOJO. Klein gelukske om het weekend mee in te gaan.

Zoals echte pitbulls bijt de organisatie zich vast en staan fier achter hun festival. Ook deze editie weer drie bangers van bands. Ik laat ze lekker zichzelf aan u voorstellen.

Sher Khan This local instrumental four-piece will get the evening started. Bathing in a powerful and viciously fuzzed out sound, alternated with dreamy and experimental atmospheres. An interesting array of tastefully dialed, ear tingling sounds, carefully pieced together to something that could be described as a hungry tiger stalking its prey, focused, lurking and carefully calculated to strike precisely when it should.


Next on the bill are these four young men from Antwerp. They’ll be bringing groovy and gut wrenching heavy riffage to the table spiced to perfection with some tasty guitar solos. It will be rather difficult to resist any bodily movement or some headbanging and if it all gets a little too much, you can dream away to their clean parts, luring you into the next earthshaking riff. Standing still shall not be one of your options when Astrodriver is at work so you better be on time to catch these guys live.


Straight from the beautiful Hellenic Republic better known as Greece, we are thrilled to have the mighty Godsleep over. Ever since their formation in 2010 they have been playing numerous shows, small tours and were part of Desertfest Berlin’s bill in 2021 with another reappearance earlier this year.

Their music smells like heavy rock with some psychedelic influences or as their singer Amie would say: “Heavy noise, heavy pop and heavy rock; Genre fluid if you will.” All of this is brought with ecstatic live energy with a hint of badass grrrlpower. We assure that you can’t unsee this band once you have witnessed them live cause you will be left hungry and longing for more.

But don’t worry folks, there’s a simple antidote when you’ve been struck with the Godsleep fever. Just buy some merch in order to ease your withdrawal symptoms at home

My fellow headbanglovers, laten we onze nekspieren nog een keer gezellig samen losgooien op de laatste editie van Praimfaya Fest van 2023. See you there!

zondag 15 oktober 2023, JH SOJO


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