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Nieuws | dunk!festival 2023: Tijdsschema

John Van de Mergel

De lineup is compleet! Hieronder volt een mooi overzicht van alle bands op de finale affiche alsook het volledige tijdschema.

- Persbericht -

For those of you who follow us on our social channels you probably already stumbled upon our final poster, as usual artfully designed by Error! Design. But because the festival is coming very close now we’re not going to risk anyone missing out on this important information.

First of all, we’re sorry to inform you that Nonsun cancelled their set at this years edition. As you maybe know they live in Ukraine and touring or even traveling from there is not an easy thing to do at the moment. They know they are welcome at the festival any time and we hope to see them back on the road soon.

The good news is that the wonderful Hellvete joined the lineup instead.

So the lineup is now complete with 45 bands on 4 stages spread over 3 days. Attending the shows you want to see (all of them right?) will require some planning. So that’s where this neat time schedule below comes in handy. As you can see we managed to start a bit later in the early afternoon and end the last show around midnight. But! We also have some nice extra stuff scheduled in the central café area before and after the shows. So feel free to come early and stay late anyway ;-). By the way, the café now also includes the merch area and it’s also a restaurant where you can grab a drink and a bite to gain some strength without losing too much time.

Stay up to date about this kind of details and other updates by following us on social media, mostly instagram.

In any case, we’re looking forward to meet you all in person again!

(bron: dunk!festival)

donderdag 18, vrijdag 19 en zaterdag 20 mei 2023, Kunstencentrum VIERNULVIER (Gent, BE)

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