De affiche was compleet! Wanneer echter onze eigen - en internationaal befaamde - postmetalgoden zelf aanbieden om eens terug te keren naar deze hoogmis voor gelijkgestemden, dan hapt de organisator vanzelfsprekend meteen én hongerig toe. Van de kers op de taart gesproken.

- Persbericht -
I know, I know. We said the lineup was complete last time but we couldn’t help keeping this one aside for a special surprise announcement to complete the lineup.
We’re honored to finalize the lineup with no one less than Amenra. Very little can be said about them that hasn't been said already other than that their ability to coalesce darkness and hope, anger and bliss, pain and beauty is virtually unmatched and unparalleled at this point.
"We asked our friends of dunk!festival if we could once again be a part of their 2023 edition festival. It has always been locked inside our hearts ever since we played there with several of our projects. Wout and Luc were so kind to invite us into their festival once again. I believe this one will feel like coming home, smaller venue, close to our real homes and hearts. Family" 𝐂𝐇𝐕𝐄
Following their 2015 show and their acoustic set in 2021 we knew we wanted to bring Amenra back, and after 8 long years it's time to bring the legends back to the dunk! stages! It is an honor and privilege to offer you all this special performance by a truly special band. You don't want to miss this!
(bron: dunk!festival)
donderdag 18, vrijdag 19 en zaterdag 20 mei 2023, Kunstencentrum VIERNULVIER (Gent, BE)