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Nieuws | dunk!festival 2023: 2 nieuwe namen

Pieter Bouckhout

In November van vorig jaar waren we met 2 mensen van Brothers in Raw nog te gast bij de We Lost The Sea show in Brugge. Vandaag kondigen diezelfde 2 bands (We Lost The Sea en Solkyri) via hun social aan dat ze in mei opnieuw naar Europa komen en hun tour groots gaan afsluiten op Dunk!festival in Gent. Dunk haalt zo met We Lost The Sea een echte post-rocklegende binnen.

- Persbericht -


We first started talking about the Triumph & Disaster European tour back in 2018 before the album even had a name. It was meant to be a massive 6-week jaunt across the continent. The biggest adventure we’d ever attempted.

Since then, a lot has changed. A couple of babies, new jobs and life commitments all exist in a different world. Playing in this band isn’t our full-time gig and our time away from home is precious. It’s a huge collective effort from everyone in and around the band to get us anywhere. That includes our fans.

You completely blew us away with your passion last November. Our heads are still ringing, literally! We’re on a mission back there in May with fervour and renewed energy for part two. We visit loads of new places, return to a few of our favourites and finish large at Dunk!Festival.

If you don’t see your city up there, we haven’t forgotten you. It means you’re on the schedule for another time. Jump on a train and come and see us. Someone rode 600km on a bicycle to see us last time. There are no excuses!

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