The Mission, in 1986 ontstaan uit The Sisters Of Mercy, hoort met hun donkere, bombastische gothicrock bij de belangrijkste bands uit de jaren tachtig. Mede dankzij de vele sterke songs, zoals 'Tower Of Strength', 'Wasteland' en 'Butterfly On A Wheel', én de gedrevenheid van frontman Wayne Hussey overleefde de band door de jaren heen alle bezettingswisselingen.
De frontman kan alvast niet wachten opnieuw de bühne te betreden: “As cabin fever is kicking in for most of us by now - there are only so many Netflix shows one can take - I can only surmise that by this time next year everyone will be absolutely desperate to get out of the house and congregate in a big room with a bunch of like-minded souls to watch and hear a bunch of blokes nearing retirement age making a right old noisy din. In other words coming to see The Mission play the songs you know and (mostly) love and having a right ol’ knees-up and singalong. “You are a tower of strength” to me will hold extra potency. I dunno about you but I can’t wait.
(Bron: Het Depot)
Zaterdag 22 april, Het Depot (Leuven, BE)