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Concerttip | Nightwish, Lotto Arena (o.v.)

Ilke Clissen

Nightwish are returning to their European fans on their upcoming EUROPEAN TOUR!

The band already announced a show in Amsterdam, which sold more than 15,000 tickets in just a few days and is followed by an additional show at the same venue. Besides shows in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and The Netherlands, fans can now look forward to more shows in the rest of Europe.

Being known for their unique songwriting, visual stage designs and pyro effects, Finnish symphonic metal heroes NIGHTWISH promise to take their audience on a spectacular audiovisual journey once again.

(bron: lotto arena)

Het is een volledig Finse avond die je te wachten zal staan in december (wel, op Floor na dan), want om hun show helemaal compleet te maken brengt Nightwish niet een, maar twee bangelijke bands met zich mee. De avond openen doen niemand minder dan de gekke mannen van Turmion Kätilöt. Hun show zal dan worden opgevolgd door special act Amorphis, waarna de main act het podium zal betreden.

10 december 2021, Lotto Arena (Antwerpen)

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